Travel With Your Child

20 May 2014


Travel with your child to give him roots and wings.
Show him the immense joy one gets
When connecting with other people and places,
Instead of materialistic things.


Demonstrate that no matter how far, or near you’re going
And where you two have already gone,
Embracing curiosity and childlike wonder
Will make life tons more fun.


Travel with your child to help him understand
that everyone is really one and the same
We’re all just looking for
a sense of belonging,
And need to listen more carefully to our
heart’s true calling.


Travel with your child to instill a bit of “grit”.
Journeys always present new and interesting challenges
where he will have to utilize his wit.

He will also learn that patience, persistence and a friendly smile,
Regardless of where ever he is in the world,
Will definitely be worth his while.


Don’t listen to naysayers who say that he will be
too young to remember.
Follow your mommy intuition; you mustn’t surrender.

For in your heart, you already know
Like cradling him close, reading books, and singing songs
Travel will help his soul grow.


So travel with your child.
And help him get started
To collect those memorable moments one by one,
It’s how a deeper appreciation of
different cultures and ways of living is won.




Dedicated to my Dutch husband who is from a culture that embraces traveling – near and far.

*”he” refers to the child, our son, but it’s universal for both boys and girls
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