Monday Nightcap

30 September 2013

 IMG_1157(Junior on Saturday in front of his favorite book store in Utrecht, NL)

Today I went to my first blogging conference ever –Meet the Blogger Amsterdam.  One of the key-note speakers was non-other than Victoria Smith of SF Girl by Bay . 

I also got to listen to Tricia Guild (Designers Guild) who sets design trends and was definitely mesmerized by her voice, her style and her presence. No wonder interior designers complete adore her!

I have to confess that I was a bit apprehensive and anxious, mixed in with a healthy dose of excited. Coming into the conference, I felt like “the little blogger that could” amidst a crowd of quite impressive and established blogs. Nonetheless, I was there to learn, be inspired and hopefully made genuine connections. We all have to start somewhere right?

I ended up making new blogger friends and cannot wait to share more of what I learned. I’m still processing everything that happened today and it has inspired me to really listen to what speaks to my heart and to focus on what I want my blog to be all about.

Here are the links to the blogs of bloggers whom I’ve met and connected with today that made me smile and laugh:

Traveling Mama (Tina Fussel was also an inspirational speaker!)

The New Diplomats Wife

Urban Moms


To close off with quite an unforgettable Monday and thus hopefully a great week ahead, here are some things from last week that made pause for a moment, think and say “aha”:

16 Year Old Malala Yousafzai honored as Harvard’s Humanitarian of the Year.

Uncertainty Is A Signpost of Possibility.

On the matter of Halloween five weeks away-I love seeing little girls in princess costumes, but there’s something quite empowering seeing girls in non-princess costumes. Food for thought.

Astute observations about American culture from non other than America’s former Disney Sweetheart turned Girl Gone Wild Miley Cyrus .

Practicing gratitude daily by making mental lists in my head has made me happier. It’s also a great way to get over our first world problems.

20 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids


Rina Mae

p.s. Tomorrow I am headed for day two of Meet the Blogger Amsterdam.