Monday Morning Coffee

7 October 2013

Hello everyone! Thanks for joining me for another round of Monday Morning Coffee. How was your weekend?


For the first time in quite a while, we actually had a very relaxing weekend. No appointments, no agenda – simply relaxing and enjoying the gorgeous fall sunshine in the Low Countries. As much as I love catching up with friends and discovering new things in the Netherlands, I appreciate low-key, family bonding time any time. I also got much needed “me-time” to re-calibrate and process everything that happened since the start of my blog.

Here are a few interesting and fun posts around the web:

Learn the science of cooking from this free Harvard course. Fascinating.

A friendly reminder that childhood only happens once. 

Do time-outs really work?

Google+ authorship and blogging. Blogger solidarity, fight against plagiarism, increase traffic.

For those who can read Dutch, it’s time for a revolution at school.

Remembering the 80/20 rule when nurturing and making new connections.

Living in a houseboat, Amsterdam style.

53 quotes to get you thinking.

Eye-candy for your inner artistic self.

This 11 year old definitely danced his way into my heart (and everyone else’s).

Sweet Child of Mine


I can’t help but share one of my all time favorite posts that speaks to me as a mother who feels like a hot mess a lot of the time – The Mom Stays in the Picture.

Happy Monday everyone!