Tell me what your plans are this weekend. For us, it’s going to be a day in Utrecht on Saturday. We’re going to test-drive a bakfiets for me (you can definitely count on a future blog post about) and my two leading men are going to get haircuts from our fabulous hair dresser Pierre at Blondes, Brunettes and Redheads. And like any proud country bumpkin with an Asian background, I’m going to stock up on a 20kg bag of jasmine white rice and a rainbow of spices that would make any gourmand salivate.
Sunday for us is going to be stereotypically “Dutch” (or more accurately, Christian-inspired) – a day of rest and rejuvenation for the soul. We hope to spend some time with our dearest friends at Moestuin Doorn, a historical herb garden with a rosarium. And like any supportive entrepreneur’s wife, I’ll support my husband in sneaking off to his other mistress (work) in the afternoon.
Here are a few interesting posts around the web this week for your reading pleasure:
Can I get an Amen? An Open Letter to Oprah: Motherhood is not an aside.
Something I would love for the future second baby: a breast pump that doesn’t suck.
Warning signs of a heart attack. And sometimes it’s actually not that obvious, especially for women.
Kid stores with blogs worth reading, courtesy of Apartment Therapy.
Ever wonder how the third season became both “autumn” and “fall“?
It’s Oatmeal season again! Here’s an ultimate guide to oatmeal.
And speaking of food, here are some Italian recipes perfect for Fall.
“Neglect everything else” -some worthwhile advice for my writing and blogging friends.
Interested in saving some money? Here are luxury accessories you’re probably paying too much for.
A new favorite app –Longform, for the nerd in you who wants an easier way to follow your favorite writers and magazines.
Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend!